Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We are expecting our first litter September 6th or 7th. We had our blue brood doe, Steel (above), bred to a broken black. Steel's last litter with this same buck produced 4 kits. The kits were black, broken black, blue, and a broken blue. We are hoping for similar results next week.

We have 3 other polish. We have a black buck named Levi. We also have a broken blue doe named Blue Bell and a broken black named Zoe. After our live stock show in January, we plan to breed Zoe & Levi. At that time, we are going to send Bell off to the breeder we bought her from. She is going to breed her with an awesome buck she is getting. We are very excited about this because we  will get half of the babies since we are letting her use our doe.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lone Star Rabbitry


Howdy from South Texas,

We are a new Rabbitry for those who want beautiful, pure in breed, polish rabbits from a beautiful and competitive bloodline to show or even have as a pet.

There is much more to come. Pictures of our babies, about us, how to contact us and so forth. And, details about how to add a polish bunny to your show line!